Project 5a: Contrast Studies

Concept Sketches

Composition 1
For the first composition I wanted to demonstrate contrast with simple, geometric forms. I started off with some pen sketches within square formats. The concept I liked the best from these sketches was multiple square/rectangular shapes contrasted against a single circular shape. I used a grid for the overall layout and positioning of the shapes. I also experimented with a variety of edges and sizes for the shapes. I considered putting the circle in an area of empty white space, but in the end decided to fill the entire canvas with rectangular shapes with the circle on top. I think this most emphasizes the difference between the shapes. The final product represents contrast in several ways. The rough edges of the blocks contrasts the smooth edge of the circle. Also, the repetition and rectangular shape of the blocks contrasts the circular shape and single occurrence of the circle. The red color of the circle is an anomaly in contrast to the otherwise black and white composition. For all of these reasons, the eye is drawn to the circle in the center of the piece.

(click to enlarge)

Composition 2
For the second contrast study I wanted to go in a different direction. I decided to use the effect of subjective contour created by positive and negative space. I found an old photo of a black and white cat that worked perfectly for this. I reduced the image down to white shapes against a black background. Using the tablet at work I removed more of the details to get a very simple black and white image. I also experimented with a yellow and black image, yellow and black being the highest contrasting colors. In the end I decided to go with white and black, with yellow eyes to get the most examples of contrast into the piece. This composition is an example of contrast between positive and negative space. The relationship between the positive white shapes and negative black areas create the overall shape of a cat - the subjective contour effect I was going for. Contrast is present again in the yellow color of the eyes. They are a visual anomaly, and draw the viewer’s attention. I’m pleased with the end result and I feel it ties together many of the design principles we have learned.

(click to enlarge)


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